Knowledge is Money

Posted by Troy Stanton on Aug 6, 2018 3:13:53 PM
Finding an old wadded up $20 bill in your jean pocket always makes you smile - like you won a small lottery!  Speaking of found money, have you ever discovered a service you are paying for but no longer use and canceling it means immediate savings? We see this happen frequently with our clients and their phone lines. Today we will help you find out if this is happening to you.
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Topics: Insider

Here today, Here tomorrow?

Posted by Troy Stanton on Jul 2, 2018 10:49:29 AM

Why are we surprised when a favorite product or technology reaches its "End-of-Life" or is "Discontinued"?  We should know by now that all good things come to an end. Where technology is concerned, that end seems to come even quicker.  But we move on and sacrifice our present-day certainty and comfort for future efficiencies and improvements.

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Topics: Insider

Does your Internet Service Provider value your business?

Posted by Troy Stanton on Feb 27, 2018 9:53:00 AM


Most of us are paddling the same canoe when it comes to customer service at our ISP/Phone Company. We dread the process of calling the 800 number because we get a different rep from the last time, explain the reason for our call and then start the process over each time we are transferred. Personally, I would consider paying a little extra each month to have access to a dedicated CSR and avoid this process entirely. Imagine the time saved and value gained from this. 


This valued CSR could:

  • Provide detailed account information
  • Handle service requests and trouble reports
  • Provide valuable feedback and updates on existing tickets
  • Help add or delete services
  • Facilitate an office move
  • Answer general questions
  • Provide rate adjustments
  • Re-term contracts


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Topics: Insider